This course will cover the following content areas: fine motor skills, gross motor skills, learning theories -classical conditioning, motivation, cognitive theories of learning, acquisition of motor skills continuum, bio motor abilities, stages of learning a skill, factors that affect motor skill acquisition

This course will cover the following content areas: history of cricket, dress code- players and coaches, why kids play sport/ why people (in general) play cricket, role of the coach, equipment, the pitch, and the wicket. Fielding- attacking, defensive, catching, basic fielding positions and wicket keeping. bowling – grip, coil position, run up, delivery stride, release and follow through, batting – grip, stance, back lift, forward drive, off-drive, on-drive, straight drive, pull short, hook short. Basic scoring and umpiring.

The teaching of human anatomy and physiology forms the basis for students to understand nature of body structure, movements and functioning. The students will be educated on anatomy and physiology terminology, skeletal, muscular, body movement variation, planes, body types, energy systems, respiratory, digestive system, blood, homeostatic mechanism, fundamentals of neuromuscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal and endocrine functions of the human body. This will allow students to acquire knowledge and appreciate importance of learning body systems as it relate to sport, health and wellness issues.

This course of study presents the relevance of teaching / training/ instructional methodologies for sport and physical activity. The aim is to familiarise students with basic principles of pedagogical interaction and its specific manifestations in teaching sports and physical education activities. In addition students will be exposed to basic computer skills to enable them to explore the impact of technology in sport. The course further allows students to foster participation opportunities and note limits, during impartation of sport skills and sport education at various levels. The topics to be covered in this course include domains of learning, skill acquisition, teaching methods, coaching methods, learning theories, work plans, action plans, evaluation and technology in sport.

The course lays out the origins of physical education and sport as well as the historical developments that have been seen from ancient world to Greece, Rome, and middle Ages, renaissance, reformation and enlightenment period. It ushers the coach into a world of vast experiences of the past, present and the future. The course shall include topics like influence of philosophers, nations (Germany, Britain, Russia, Cuba, USA, China, India) in the historical development of physical education and sport, Olympic movement, Olympism and sporting history of Zimbabwe.

This course aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of sports training and coaching. Students will be equipped with basic theoretical and methodological aspects of contemporary sports coaching and training as a complex process of adaptation. The module helps students blend scientific and practical activities in top level sports reflecting an interdisciplinary nature of sport and physical activity. The following topical aspects will also be studied include training theory, FITT Principle, laws of training and periodization of training.

The course content for life skills include understanding young children’s needs for total development, training of trainer theory , life soccer coaching skills , facilitation, role models, mainstreaming sport, ABC’s of Coaching, Listening skills and team building activities.

The course aims to help students understand and apply fundamentals of exercise metabolism, hormonal adaptation and stress during physical exercise, sport and training. Human energy expenditure during rest and physical exercise are examined in detail. This facilitates greater detail study in training for anaerobic and aerobic power, physiological basis of fatigue, post exercise recovery and the endocrine system, hormonal response to exercise or sports training, exercise at altitudes and thermal stress. Study topics also include adaptation to exercise and influence on pulmonary ventilation, cardiovascular regulation, neuronal and hormonal control systems.

This course will cover the following content areas: Level of Management, planning, leadership, organizing process, controlling, strategic management, Human Resources Management, Managing Sports Volunteers, importance of management in sport.

Health and sport course familiarise students to the concept of fitness, wellness while addressing the relative contribution of sport and physical activity to health and well-being. In this course students will research, learn and understand areas such as weight control, obesity, chronic diseases, hygiene, drugs and sports, diet and sports, pregnancy and exercise, anti-doping and positive lifestyle habits.